Flight Night.

Grainy grey footage heralds the calling
through marshmallow pampas in treacle I'm crawling
into a black monolith upwardly sprawling
to penetrate starless tar sky

rooms loom like catacombs; numberless
shockingly dark and inert in the thunderous
silence which leads me, lead-limbed and slumberous
into its featureless eye

face pressed on invisible glass
a city like grain lies below a crevasse
vertigo holds me in vicious impasse
willing my spirit to die

tigers erupt in a fang-lashing roar
shredding the safety of every door
frenziedly sniffing the trail of my spoor
a raking claw grazes my thigh

dank inertia threatening death
condensing fear with sulphurous breath
leaving my body no other regress
than to leap with a voiceless cry

plummeting down on a spiralling slide
currents permit me to master their tide
sickening tumble turns into a glide
as gravity's will I defy

watching the landscape shimmer below
keen as an albatross, senses aglow
riding an aerial undertow
up through the ether I fly

delta, beta, alpha: awake
glorious airborne images abate
leaving reality dull in it's wake
in clench-fisted linen I lie.


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